Madole Legal Search

Please contact us with any questions, to obtain additional information, and/or to initiate a search. All inquiries will be held in the strictest confidence.

Services We Provide

Client Services

Madole Legal Search provides the following services during and following a search undertaken on your behalf:

• Meet with you at your place of business (or by phone if time pressures dictate) to understand your specific hiring criteria, your law firm or company culture and structure, your business clients and any nuances or sensitivities pertinent to your current search.

• Advise you about the relative size of a candidate pool for a search, the difficulty of the search, and reasons candidates are declining interest so that you may adjust the search strategy if necessary.

• Provide ongoing advice about the current state of the legal market, compensation data points and trends, etc.

• Fully vet candidates according to the substantive legal experience you seek. Meet with candidates to further vet their legal skills and probe around the intangibles you have identified as important to your workplace culture.

• Work efficiently and in a timely manner to submit an appealing candidate pool for your consideration.

Madole Legal Search

All submissions include a cover letter written by us that focuses on the specific criteria you identify and the candidate’s relative experience (or lack thereof ).

• Handle all aspects of the recruiting process including meeting candidates, initial submissions, obtaining transcripts and writing samples, checking references, etc.

• Work through the offer process to establish a start date, facilitate the conflicts check, and perform reference checks if desired.

• Remain available on an ongoing basis following the placement for any follow up that you may require. We enjoy hearing about how our placed candidates are performing and thriving in your workplace and are available to help facilitate their continued success in any way we can.

Candidate Services

During and after your search we will provide you with the following services:

• First and foremost it is important to emphasize all of our conversations will be held in the strictest confidence. We understand the decision to explore your career options is not made lightly, and that you need and expect complete confidentiality.

• Meet with you in person to get to know you on a professional and personal level. During this meeting we will take you through a series of questions designed to inform us about your current practice and legal skills, as well as your personal and professional goals. We will offer you confidential advice about whether to initiate a search and the strength of your candidacy.

• Provide a comprehensive review of your resume and offer suggestions on how to tailor it for each opportunity you explore.

Madole Legal Search

• Discuss the specifics of each opportunity with you and help you decide whether it aligns with your goals.

• NOTE: Your resume will not be submitted anywhere without your explicit prior authorization. We discuss each opportunity with you on a case-by-case basis.

Madole Legal Search

• Handle all communications with the firm or company about your candidacy and the scheduling of interviews.

• Prepare you for each interview in the process by providing information on the particular position, the people with whom you will meet, questions to expect from them, and questions to ask of them.

• Perform a mock interview with you. This may sound intimidating (or at the very least uncomfortable), but we assure you a mock interview is without question the most effective way to prepare for an interview. Your first stab at answering interview questions should not be in front of your potential employer. Do the mock with us and get all your missteps out of the way! Candidates have told us over and over that the mock interview significantly improved their communication skills and comfort level in their interview.

• Keep you informed of new opportunities that open up over the course of your search. We receive updates each morning and evening about new positions coming on the market and ones that have been filled.

• Provide you with guidance and market knowledge on offers as to market competitiveness and whether negotiation is advisable.

• Assist you with the on-boarding process to your new job in terms of conflict checks, references (and when to provide them) and determining a start date.

• Remain in touch with you long after you accept your new opportunity. Ideally we would like to serve as a trusted career adviser and sounding board to you over the course of your career.